The Official Website for the Bram Stoker Estate
Bram Stoker
Bram Stoker Estate
In response to the continuing worldwide fascination with Bram Stoker and his most iconic creation, Count Dracula, the descendants of Bram Stoker have taken an active role in ensuring their famous ancestor’s intellectual property rights are preserved and protected. Their mission includes ensuring the availability of historically accurate information about Bram Stoker and his life, collaboration with individuals and entities of like purpose, and placing a suitable statue of him in Dublin, the city of his birth.
The success of Dracula has overshadowed Bram Stoker’s other accomplishments; not only was he a successful author, in his lifetime this Victorian gentleman was well known as manager of the Lyceum Theater in London, personal secretary and dutiful friend to Sir Henry Irving, the most famous actor of Victorian England. In addition to his close-knit, and internationally accomplished family members, Bram Stoker enjoyed life-long friendships with the most fascinating characters in literary, political, and artistic circles of his day such as the Wilde family, Walt Whitman, Mark Twain, and Prime Minister Gladstone.
In the almost ten years that his family has been actively engaged with Dracula fans, scholars, and historians worldwide, their unique perspective on the Stoker legacy has been enthusiastically welcomed. With records in the possession of the Dobbs, MacCaw, and Stoker families and recollections by Bram Stoker’s closest living relatives, the creator of the most famous vampire of all times has been revealed as a charming, “red-bearded Irishman”- a great-grandfather, great-great-grandfather, and now great-great-great-grandfather to a little girl named Mina.

Robin MacCaw & Jenne Stoker, Whitby Abbey